Thursday, September 13, 2007

As the Disability Act continues to gather dust and cobwebs, ......

Kaparo flexes his muscle

Publication Date: 9/13/2007
House Speaker Francis Kaparo yesterday flexed his muscle, slapping perhaps the harshest sanction ever on a Cabinet minister.

Because of Finance minister Amos Kimunya’s failure to put into effect an Act of Parliament, Mr Kaparo ordered Parliament not to discuss any Bills, motions, sessional papers or any other legislative matter sponsored by the ministry.
Meanwhile no one is least bothered about the Disability Act, itself an Act of parliament, enacted even even earlier - in 2003. There is also alot to be done to make the presence of deaf as a marginalized group known. Quite often whenever someone talks about the disabled, s/he refers to the physically handicapped. Ha!!!

M.K. is watching this space.