Monday, September 3, 2007

Shane and Shiru Gilchrist Ó hEorpa?

Is Shane Gilchrist o Euorpa married to one Shiru of Humble Hearts?
Mzee Kiziwi has received this unsubstantiated and annonymous message:

Shane, we await your comments before I remove.

Listen you pigs trying to discredit KSLRP:

You are no match to the achievements of Washington Akaranga, Prof. Okoth Okombo and Jefwa Mweri and all those good Deaf Sign Language Teachers at the University of Nairobi!

KNAD is Dead and burried. The only reason it exists is because of the fertile imagination of Wango and Mzee Bubu.

It cannot be revived since you do not kill a snake and then try to do Cardio Pulmonary Resusciation!

You burn it you fools!

KSLRP has set up Kenyan Sign Language into the force which it is today! They have made dictionaries of our sign language, researched and documented our original aspects of signs at a time when Oralism was the main mode of education in Kenya, taught virtually every interpreter in Kenyan soil, among a host of many achievements!

If they have parted ways with Wango, it is because they cannot accept to be strange bedfellows with an evil and corrupt snake!

Now the whole country respects the pioneering work of Kenyan SIgn Language Research Project. Peace Corps will never work with KNAD's Wango because of the way he has abused the American Taxpayers money, especially that of the August Bomb Blast Funds meant to teach newly Deafened Kenyans basic sign language!

Now even Wango, Opiyo, Joel Runners, whole shit and capoodle including Mzee Bubu and Nickson Kakiri run to KSLRP when they need favours! Shane was there only a few months ago, requesting for a meeting place at KSLRP because he does not wish to pay a hotel space in town. When he leaves he sends a serries of abusive emails against Kenyans including KSLRP!

Let us leave these people at KSLRP alone you pig Mzee Bubu!

If you Mzee Bubu are Shane then you must know that that your prostitute of a Kerugoya girl friend (her former boyfriend, Kamau died of TB/AIDS and now we hear you married her and gave her the name Shiru Gilchrist) goes to KSLRP to learn sign language so as to help you steal money from Humble Hearts primary school in Nairob!

The soonest you realise that you or your Maseno prof. are no match to the member of the National Academy of Science, prof. Okoth Okombo the best for you!

By the way, what qualifications do you have, you gay Shane? I am sure that there are many deaf Kenyans who are more educated than you are.

Your only asset is the pale skin of yours which makes it possible to get more funds than Nilotic Nickson Kakiri!

03 September 2007 12:14 (in mzee bubu and mzee kiziwi)